Foundation work has commenced for the new commercial building at 3 Bankart St. Excavation of the site was completed over the weekend and a builder’s string-line has now been run out in preparation for the foundations. The new building is being built by Ken and Lesley Curtis former owners of the Four Square in Pirongia and well-known Waikato businessman and Foodstuffs Director, Glenn Miller. So far the developers have not confirmed that the new building will be a Four Square although Raglan locals continue to hear rumours that it will be a Four Square. So perhaps it won’t be long before Mr Fours Square and his friend Pam are back in Raglan.
Meanwhile the Te Uku Four Square store reports increased businesses as Raglan people are call in, to purchase items no longer available at the Raglan’s Super Value supermarket.
Lets hope it is a NZ owned grocery store, I used to enjoy walking to the old 4 square most days and choosing my dinner. The newly branded supervalue no longer seems to stock the food I used to buy and the odd item it still stocks has gone up in price by around $2.00.The store has lost the friendly grocery store feel, to the extent that I now prefer to face the Pak in Save in Hamilton, where there seems to be more real food and less boxed items from Australia. I wonder too, about the effect of importing all that packaging to fill NZ land fills.
If you’re shopping at Pak n Save you are already shopping with Mr Miller as he owns the Mill St one.
He is one of the owners of new building in Bankart St.
I’ve heard other people say that they have moved more of their shopping to Hamilton now.
I think its a good thing to have four square back in raglan ‘a bit of competition for super value ;may bring the prices down for the locals. also I would like to know ‘are they going to take on local people for work ‘and if so what positions are available to apply for.
I agree. Super Value only seems to have good prices where they have competition in Raglan on certain food lines. The Four Square brand seems a better match for the Raglan small beachside town style, although Super Value’s community grants are good.