On Tuesday morning (31st July) Waikato District Council (WDC) heard five residents of Whaingaroa tell them that, if they’re going to expand the area covered by Raglan Community Board (RCB), then it should include Te Uku, Te Mata and all of the Waitetuna and Cogswell Valley areas. As part of its six yearly Representation Review WDC had proposed an extension of the RCB area, but excluding those centres.
Whaingaroa Environmental Defence (WED) said that there should also be separate representation on RCB for the town and country areas.
WED drew attention to Thames Coromandel, where council is delegating most of its powers to community boards as has been done in Southland and other areas for some time. Functions delegated elsewhere include Sewage, Reserves, Libraries, Airfields, Cemeteries, Transport, Strategic Planning, Economic Development and Bylaws. WED believes that this will be more democratic and waste fewer rates.
Mayor Allan Sanson questioned whether community board areas could be divided with members representing specific areas. Chief Executive Gavin Ion assured him that was provided for in the Local Government Act. Newcastle Ward councillor, Noel Smith, said he’d spoken to local iwi who welcomed the inclusion of Waitetuna in his ward, rather than Raglan ward.
Council will publicise its decisions on the submissions on 9 August and appeals to the Local Government Commission can be made by 10 September.
John Lawson
825 7866.