Waikato District Council calls for more community input into Draft Long Term Plan

The Waikato District Council is calling for more community feedback from Raglan people on its Draft Long Term Plan 2012 -22, with a week to go until submissions close.

Waikato District Mayor Allan Sanson said it’s often the case that people leave their submissions until the last moment, and he reminded the community of the importance of having their say.

“I would like to think people are still considering their submission to the plan and there will be a rush of submissions just before the 9 May 2012 deadline,” Mayor Sanson said.

“It’s important the community gets involved and makes their views known about what’s planned, because the proposed plan will have a direct effect on people’s homes, properties and environment.

“It’s much better that people let us know now what they think, before we make our decisions, than to protest later if the results are not necessarily what they wanted or expected.

“Rates have always been an issue for ratepayers, and we don’t expect that will change, although we have strived to keep the general rates increase down to 2.4 per cent.

“However, there are other issues that will, if adopted as proposed, directly affect the amount people will have to pay for core services, such as water. Other proposals will affect the standard and levels of services provided, such as new road seal around the district, and long-term road maintenance,” Mayor Sanson said.

All ratepayers will have received a summary of the plan in the post. The summary and the full draft plan document are available on line at www.waikatodistrict.govt.nz, in libraries and at the council’s offices throughout the district for all residents.

“The feedback in the submissions we’ve received so far has been encouraging. We’re looking forward to getting many more submissions before 9 May,” Mayor Sanson said.

All submitters will have the opportunity, if they choose, to speak to councillors about their submissions in special hearings. The final plan will be adopted on Tuesday, 26 June 2012.

Hearing dates:

Monday 21 May            9am – 4pm

Tuesday 22 May            9am – 12pm

Wednesday 23 May      1pm – 8pm

Thursday 24 May         9am – 4pm

Friday 25 May               9am – 4pm

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