After listening and responding to requests for street recycling bins from Raglan residents and environmental groups, Waikato District Council found that they were a hit with the Raglan public and visitors to the town. So much so that is has now installed the bins across the Waikato District, with their prominent locations helping to raise awareness of the environmental benefits of recycling. There are now almost 50 recycling bins next to rubbish bins in shops and parks in Raglan, Huntly, Ngaruawahia and Te Kauwhata.
So far the existing bins have been well used by the public said Waikato District Council Water & Facilities General Manager Richard Bax, and the council will look to continue to install more of the bins in towns across the Waikato in the future if there is demand.
“The Waikato is a beautiful part of New Zealand, and encouraging recycling and protection of the environment is a good means of ensuring it stays that way,” Mr Bax said. “We are hoping that this initiative will help promote recycling when out and about as well as in the home.”
Does anyone know what ‘well used’ means’? How much has been diverted from landfill? Is it enough to show “there is demand”, or what extra use is needed?
Some places like North
Sydney in NSW have done away with rubbish /waste bins and the streets are clean of rubbish. Most rubbish in Raglan Streets and bins, from my observations, are food and drink packaging purchased in Raglan by visitors. The rubbish problems could be taken on by the producers
Hello, I am based in the Horowhenua and would like to see a similar system set up here, I need to find out the annual maintenance and collection service and set up cost of a system like this, if you could please point me in the right direction. I think clean green NZ should be doing this throughout the country. I work in council gardens and the amount of people who consider bushes the best place to dispose of rubbish incredible most of this rubbish is recyclable so if there was the facility to recycle maybe more people would use it and would actually think about how they are disposing of there rubbish. Great initiative Raglan and great example for the rest of NZ.
Hi Fenella, contact Marie McIntyre at Waikato District Council 07 824 8633. I’m sure she would be happy to help you.
Thanks Richard for that contact info.