The Tuesday 13th Dec meeting of the Waikato District Council approved a 60:40 cost sharing proposal for the Whaanga Coast Waste Water scheme. Earlier this year ratepayers had rejected a Council proposal for Whaanga Coast property owners to fully fund the two and half million dollar low pressure waste water scheme.
A few property owners still say the scheme isn’t needed at all and others would like to see a standard gravity sewer system built. Most ratepayers appear to support the proposed scheme as a realistic option with the cost sharing and delayed payment options making the scheme doable.
Under the proposal, the 110 ratepayers with existing properties on the Whaanga Coast would pay $15,391 towards the scheme and the remaining 40% of the cost would be covered from the general rate across the Waikato District. There would be an option for Whaanga Coast ratepayers to spread the cost over 10 years.
The scheme is only for properties in the living zone. The preferred option of local land based disposal systems will continue for larger properties. The Water & Facilities Committee has approved introduction of a certification requirement for these systems.
It is expected that WDC will hold a consultation meeting with residents in January on the details of the cost sharing offer. The main concern from residents now appears to be who would pay for the on-property maintenance costs associated with the low pressure scheme. If the offer is accepted by residents, design and construction would start later in 2012.