Solar energy helps power Raglan Community House

WEL Network’s installation of a solar photovoltaic system has been on trial for one year at the Raglan Community House in Bow Street, Raglan.   It was chosen last year as one of two sites to participate in the WEL Energy Trust funded project that aims to test the feasibility of distributed generation using small scale solar technology.

The photovoltaic system being trialled by WEL Networks is a form of distributed generation, or generation of energy close to the point of use.  Malcolm Souness the Energy Management Engineer from WEL Networks said that it was trials like this one that allows WEL to build up its intellectual property as the technology is improving.

The photovoltaic system installation was installed by WEL on the roof of the Raglan Community House in November of last year. It has generated on average the equivalent energy to recharge a 2012 Toyota Prius Plug in Hybrid once each day (approximately 24km distance without petrol) or up to 4,750km of travel per year.

Media Release: WEL Networks 18.10.11

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