Waikato District Council Media Release, 21 July 2011
Saturday’s open day about the proposed Whaanga Coast wastewater reticulation project has provided Waikato District Council with valuable and constructive feedback.
Cr Clint Baddeley says he was pleased with the turnout and level of interest from residents of the Whaanga Coast, and their desire to protect the environment.
The open day provided a strong indication that residents support a wastewater disposal system for the Whaanga Coast area, according to Acting General Manager Water & Facilities Mervyn Sumanaratne.
“The feedback will help us further understand the areas of support and concern. We’re looking forward to receiving more written feedback during the next two weeks so we have an accurate perception of the community’s views.
“It was clear residents are concerned about the health of their environment and harbour and want to see this proposal go forward. We also recognise that people are concerned at the costs put forward and we will be focusing on this as a priority to decide on the best course of action.”
A proposed open day on 6 August has been postponed following Saturday’s feedback.
“We want to be sure that we can better respond to questions raised and carry out further work on the proposed project and possible options.”
Mr Sumanaratne urges Whaanga Coast ratepayers to fill in their forms and send them to the council by Wednesday 27 July, even if they have already provided verbal feedback.
“It is important the council has the benefit of all viewpoints about the project.”
Concern was raised about a damaged pipe which the resident believed was a wastewater pipe but this is a stormwater pipe that has been repaired as part of the Riria Kereopa Memorial Drive Dune Project.