Prompted by a Raglan Website article earlier in July about delays on the Waikato District Council’s Long Street project, WDC has now supplied the media release shown below.
When asked by the Raglan Website about the continuing sedimentation run-off issues on the Long St project a Council spokesperson said, “Council has been working with the contractor to deal with the issues as they arise, obviously the very wet weather this past month has caused some issues which Waikato Regional Council are aware of.”
Rodger Gallagher, Chair of the Raglan Community Board said that the Council comment about providing the project to the Raglan Community Board was misleading. He said that, “WDC staff included a one line statement in a lengthy report to the Board in September 2010 saying, Long Street AWPT will move into design phase with construction anticipated in 2012.” Since then staff have given no information on the project to the Raglan Community Board. Mr Gallagher said that while he welcomed the project being implemented earlier, the only update to the Board was an oral report from the Raglan Councillor about a meeting he had with residents during the design phase.
Waikato District Council Media Release:
The Long Street project is an urbanisation project.
In September 2010 this project was provided to the Raglan Community Board as a design project for construction in 2012. The project was subsequently pulled forward into the 2010/11 year.
The project has been carried out with the knowledge of the Waikato District Councillors, who have been involved in the roadside meetings and signed the tender report.
There have been two complaints about sediment, both from Fred Lichtwark. Waikato Regional Council have investigated both complaints and have provided feedback to Council. ‘The project has been plagued by problems with major sedimentation run off problems’ would be an exaggeration of the issue.
The tender price for the Long Street portion of the upgrade is $288,599.91.
The stormwater on Long Street has been completed, and work on the pavement is well underway.